Austin Energy has four main customer classes: residential, commercial, industrial, and lighting.
Residential customers live in single-family dwellings, mobile homes, townhouses, or individually metered apartment units.
The majority of commercial customers are small to large businesses that fall under Austin Energy’s secondary level of service. This means Austin Energy owns, operates, and maintains the equipment (wires, transformers, etc.) supplying power to those facilities.
Industrial customers such as semiconductor and other high-tech facilities and data centers typically fall under the primary level of service, which take service at high voltage and own, operate and maintain their own transformation equipment. These customers typically have very high usage and load factors because they tend to operate 24/7.
“Public Street and Highway Lighting” refers to street lighting, traffic signals and highway signs. “Other lighting” refers to lighting other community areas like ballparks. These accounts will typically have minimal load during the summer peak time periods.