The target numbers for the average duration of power outages for System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) goals:
Prior to 2016: 60.00 minutes;
2016 – 2019: 57.22 minutes;
2020 – 2021: 45.50 minutes;
2022: 57.00 minutes
The target numbers for the System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) goals or the average number of power outages per customer:
Prior to 2018: 0.80;
2018: 0.72;
2019: 0.69
2020 – 2021: 0.57;
2022: 0.72
The target number for the System Average Transmission Line Performance index (SATLPI) or the 12-month rolling average of the number of transmission line faults per 100 miles is 3.0.